rules and regulations

These rules and regulations shall govern the use of the units and the conduct of all residents thereof. In addition, these rules and regulations supersede any and all previous or other issued editions of the WHC Rules and Regulations.

  1. No part of the property shall be used for other than housing and the common recreational purposes for which the property was designed. Each Unit shall be used as a residence for a single family and for no other purpose excepting that Units in building No. 1 may, with the consent of the Board of Managers and subject to applicable governmental regulations, be used a offices for physicians, lawyers or dentists.
  2. There shall be no obstruction of the common elements nor shall anything be stored in the common elements without the prior consent of the Board of Managers except as hereinafter expressly provided. Each Unit owner shall be obligated to maintain and keep in good order and repair his own Unit in accordance with the provisions of the By-Laws.
  3. Nothing shall be done or kept in any Unit or in the common elements which will increase the rate of insurance of any of the Buildings, or contents thereof, applicable for residential use (or permitted professional office use in Building No. 1), without the prior written consent of the Board of Managers. No Unit owner shall permit anything to be done or kept in his Unit or in the common elements which will result in the cancellation of insurance on any of the Buildings, or contents thereof, or which would be in violation of any law. No waste shall be committed in the common elements.
  4. Unit owners shall not cause or permit anything to be hung or displayed on the outside of windows or placed on the outside walls or doors of a building and no sign, awning, canopy, shutter or radio or television antenna shall be affixed to or placed upon the exterior walls or doors, roof or any part thereof or exposed on or at any window, without the prior consent of the Board of Managers.
  5. No animals or reptiles of any kind shall be raised, bred, or kept in any Unit or in the common elements, except that dogs, cats or other household pets not to exceed two per Unit, may be kept in Units; subject to the rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Managers, provided that they are not kept, bred, or maintained for any commercial purposes; and provided further that any such pet causing or creating a nuisance or unreasonable or noise shall be permanently removed from the property subject to these restrictions upon three (3) days written notice from the Board of Managers. Pet owners must maintain their pets in such a manner so as to not create unsanitary conditions or constitute a nuisance. Pet owners must comply with existing Town of Greenburgh ordinances requiring leashes and the picking up and proper disposal of pet feces. Pets are not permitted in the common areas without the presence of the pet owner. All dogs are required to be vaccinated and licensed.
  6. No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on in any Unit, or in the common elements, nor shall anything be done therein, either willfully or negligently, which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the other Unit owners or occupants.
  7. Nothing shall be done in any Unit or in, on or to the common elements which will impair the structural integrity of any Building or which would structurally change any of the Buildings.
  8. No laundry shall be hung out of any Unit. The common elements shall be kept free and clear of rubbish, debris and other unsightly materials.
  9. Except in recreational or storage areas designated as such by the Board of Managers there shall be no playing, lounging, or parking of baby carriages or playpens, bicycles, wagons, toys, vehicles, benches or chairs, on any part of the common elements except that terraces, balconies and patios may be used for their intended purposes. One quarter of patios may be used for bikes as long as they are arranged neatly.
  10. No industry, business, trade, occupation or profession of any kind, commercial, religious, educational or otherwise, designed for profit, altruism, or otherwise, shall be conducted, maintained or permitted on any part of the property, nor shall any “For Sale”, “For Rent” or “For Lease” signs or other window displays or advertising be maintained or permitted on any part of the property or in any Unit therein nor shall any Unit be used or rented for transient, hotel or motel purposes. The right is reserved by the Board of Managers , or its agent, to place “For Sale”. “For Rent” or “For Lease” signs on any unsold or unoccupied units. Notwithstanding this provision or any other provision to the contrary, Units in Building No. 1 may, by and with the prior permission of the Board of Managers and subject to applicable governmental regulations, be used for offices for physicians, lawyers or dentists, provided, however, no illuminated or other sign may be used in connection with said use excepting only a professional shingle, non-illuminated, not larger than nine (9) inches by twenty-four (24) inches in size.
  11. Nothing shall be altered or constructed in or removed from the common elements, except upon the written consent of the Board of Managers.
  12. Each Unit owner shall keep his Unit in a good state of preservation and cleanliness and shall not sweep or throw or permit to be swept of thrown therefrom, or from the doors, windows, terraces, balconies or patios thereof, any dirt or other substance.
  13. All radio, television or other electrical equipment of any kind or nature installed or used in each Unit shall fully comply with all rules, regulations, requirement or recommendations of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters and the Public authorities having jurisdiction, and the Unit owner alone shall be liable for any damage or injury caused by any radio, television or other electrical equipment in such Unit.
  14. The agents of the Board of Managers or the managing agent and any contractor or workman authorized by the Board of Managers or the managing agent, may enter any room or Unit in the buildings at any reasonable hour the day for the purpose of inspecting such Unit for the presence of any vermin, insects or other pests and for the purpose of taking such measures as may be necessary to control or exterminate any such vermin, insects or other pests.
  15. Any consent or approval given under these rules and regulations may be added to, amended or repealed at any time by resolution of the Board of Managers.
  16. Unit owners shall not cause or permit any unusual or objectionable noise or odors to be produced upon or to emanate from their Units.
  17. No terrace, balcony or patio shall be enclosed without the consent in writing of the Board of  Managers.
  18. No Unit owner or occupant or any of his agents, employees, licensees or visitors shall at any time bring into or keep in his Unit any inflammable, combustible or explosive fluid, material, chemical or substance.
  19. If any key or keys are entrusted by a Unit owner or occupant or by any member of his family or by his agent, employee, licensee or visitor to any employee of the Board of Managers, whether for such Unit or an automobile, trunk or other item of personal property, the acceptance of the key or keys shall be at the sole risk of such Unit owner or occupant, and the Board of Managers shall not be liable for injury, loss or damage of any nature whatsoever directly our indirectly resulting therefrom or connected therewith.
I. Laundry Rooms
A. The laundry machines in the laundry rooms in the buildings shall continue to be used in such manner and at such times as the Board of Managers may direct. 
B. All empty boxes, bottles, old clothes, etc. shall be disposed of in the Unit owner’s garbage, not the wastebaskets in the laundry rooms. 
C. Machines and sinks shall be cleaned after every use, including lint traps and any spillages. 
D. Everyone is to leave a basket with their wash. 
E. Children are not to loiter or play in the laundry room(s). 
F. Hours are 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.; 7 days a week. 
G. Sinks are for the rinsing of: detergent cups and  hands, no washing of dishes, plants or pets. 
II. Hallways 
A. Not to be used as a playground. 
B. No loitering or congregating in hallways its to be permitted. 
C. Nothing is to be left on the floor; no shovels, rakes, or plants. 
III. Terraces 
A. Each Unit Owner is responsible for the cleanliness of his terrace or patio.
1. Terraces: May be furnished with appropriate  furniture such as tables, chairs, chair lounges, grills, and flower boxes.  Flower boxes must be rested upon the cement floor or affixed to the inside of the railing.  Blinds and coverings which are not permanently affixed and that are retractable are allowed.  Artificial carpeting must be removed during winter months to avoid water retention.
2. Patios: Three-bedroom apartments-Within a border area extending 1& 1/2 feet on each side of the cement  patio and to the outer edge of the cement base of the steel columns in the front of the patio there may be planted hedges, flowers or plants of any variety, except for those deemed to be dangerous to the community.  These types can be described by any experienced gardener or landscaper. Artificial carpeting must be removed during winter months to avoid water retention. Two-bedroom apartments-The same guidelines prevail, except that the border can be extended to a distance of 2 & 1/2 feet from the front edge the cement patio
B. Pets, especially dogs, are not allowed unattended or unleashed.  Pets may not be left out at night.
C. Parties will be moved inside at a reasonable hour and in accordance with the time limitations set forth by the Town of Greenburgh Noise Ordinance.
IV. Storage rooms: The storage room window(s) cannot be blocked.  Nothing can be hung from the ceilings. No storage of flammable or combustible materials or substances.
V. Townhouse Patio Exteriors
A. Nothing can be left outside the patio enclosure. 
1. Garbage cans, dog houses, mounds of dirt, refuse. 
B. No permanent structure of any type can be built above or beyond the patio fence. 
1. Beach umbrellas are permitted if properly stored below the fence during the winter months. 
C. Garbage not completely enclosed in a covered receptacle is not allowed on patios. 
D. Pets are not allowed to be left on patios at night. 
E. Townhouse owners are responsible for cleaning and maintaining sanitary conditions on their patios. 
F. Parties are to be moved inside at a reasonable hour. 
G. Nothing is to be stored above the sheds on the patios.
I. Lawns:
A. No bicycles allowed on the lawns. 
B. All pets, especially dogs, and other large animals, are to be LEASHED at all times when out. Any dog that is walked must be handled by someone capable of controlling it. 
C. Pets are not allowed to defecate or urinate on the grass, shrubbery, sidewalks, or anywhere near the buildings, recreation, or garbage areas of the community. Dog walking areas are: Old Country Road, from Building 1 to Building 9 on the west side along the fence; and from Building 11 along the fence to Building 16. 
D. Littering is prohibited. 
E. The common elements shall not be obstructed, littered, defaced, altered or misused in any manner. It is unlawful to obstruct any entrances, exits, exit way, stairs, stair, aisle, passageway, hall or ramp. No bicycles, tricycles, scooters, or similar vehicles, or roller-skates, or skateboards shall be allowed to stand in the common areas. Balconies, decks and patios are NOT to be used for storage of household goods. Only appropriately sized outdoor furniture shall be permitted on a balcony or patio. Clothing and other items shall not be hung in any of the common areas, including balconies, patios or grass areas. 
F. Use of the designated recreational areas is at the resident’s own risk and children should be supervised by an adult at all times.
II. Sidewalks
A. Chairs, bicycles, etc., are not allowed to be placed in such a way as to block the use of any sidewalk. 
B. Playthings, toys, gardening equipment etc., are not to be abandoned or left on the sidewalks. 
C. Littering is not allowed. 
D. Tampering with any common element structures, such as lamp posts and posted signs, is not allowed. 
E. No items are to be left on the sidewalks, roadways, or cross walks lawns after dark. 
III. Garbage Areas
A. The lids of the garbage bins/dumpsters are to be closed. 
B. The garbage areas are to be kept free of litter. All spillage must be cleaned up. 
C. If the dumpsters are full, garbage is to be left only if it is in closed containers that wind or animals cannot topple over or open. 
D. Anyone not capable of handling the lid of the dumpster is not allowed to take out the garbage. 
E. Children are not to play in or around the garbage areas. 
F. Garbage, recyclable cardboard, paper, plastics, and glass must be placed in the specific dumpster as per the signs on the dumpsters. 
G. The garbage dumpsters are for residents only. All household trash, not designated for recycling, is to be disposed of in a manner consistent with the maintenance of a clean environment. All trash is to be securely wrapped or bagged and tied in plastic or trash bags. Debris should be completely drip-free before it leaves your Home and carried to the dumpster in a careful manner. No trash is to be left outside doorways or on decks, patios or in laundry rooms at any time. Do not leave any bags of garbage on the ground in front of the dumpster. Recycling is mandatory. Separate dumpsters are provided. Failure to comply with the regulations subjects the condominium to fines by the Town of Greenburgh and the violators to condominiumlevied fines. 
H. Cardboard/Paper Recycling There is a separate dumpster marked “paper”. You must flatten all boxes before placing them in the dumpster. Acceptable recyclables: corrugated cardboard, pizza boxes (no food soiled boxes), cereal and the food boxes (remove all plastic liners/inserts), tissue boxes, gift boxes (no wapping paper), paper towel rolls, mailing rolls, newspapers, telephone directories, home office paper, glossy magazines and catalogs, phone books, junk mail, envelopes, cardboard egg cartons, brown paper grocery and lunch bags. Extra large boxes may be left flattened next to the dumpster. DO NOT RECYCLE: pizza boxes soiled with food, corrugated coated with wax or plastic, wax egg cartons, paper plates, paper towels, wrapping paper, packing “peanuts”, hard cover books, paper soiled by food. 
I. Glass/plastics/metal Recycling There is a separate dumpster marked “recyclables”. If you carry items in a plastic bag you must empty the items into the dumpster and discard the bag in the trash dumpster. Acceptable recyclables: any plastic with a number 1 to 7 in the recycling triangle located on the bottom (all items must be rinsed and discard tops and caps), all washed food cans and lids, drink cans, empty aerosol cans (remove caps), aluminum foil, washed aluminum baking tins, all washed clear and colored glass food and beverage bottles(remove caps). DO NOT RECYCLE: plastic grocery bags, an plastic that does not have #1-7 stamped on it, frozen food or meat trays, six-pack holders and rings, all Styrofoam, paint cans, scrap metal, light bulbs, wire hangers, irons, pottery, dishes and drinking glasses, cookware, window glass, mirrors, auto glass, broken glass. J. Large Item Disposal/Bulk Pickup
LARGE METAL ITEMS: Large household appliances including stoves, refrigerators, airconditioners, washer/dryers,BBQ grills, sofa-beds, exercise equipment are collected by appointment only. 
REFRIGERATORS, AIR-CONDITIONERS, WASHER/DRYER, BBQ grills, sofa-beds, exercise equipment are collected by appointment only. PLEASE CALL NELSON AT 592-9229 to schedule pickup of these and similar items.
Sanitation information is available at or call: 993-1576 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. 
K. CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL DISPOSAL Disposal of any construction materials is the sole responsibility of the Unit Owner and cannot be placed in any of the condominiums dumpsters. Arrangements for removal must be made by the Unit Owner with his/her contractor and/or the Town of Greenburgh. 
IV. Parking Facilities: A. Cars will be parked perpendicular to the curb within the marked limits, excepts in those areas otherwise designated for parking by the Board. 
V. Roadways: A. All signs pertaining to vehicle traffic must be obeyed. 
VI. Miscellaneous
A. Stones are not to be thrown at any building or fence or common element or Unit. 
B. Children are not to play on any embankment, or rock wall embankment. 
C. Vehicles cannot be stored in the area. 
D. No owner shall send any employees of the Condominium out of the area on any private business during working hours. 
E. Work of a strictly personal nature shall not be performed for any owners by employees, except during the employees off duty hours. 
F. The Resident Manager and his staff are employed to maintain the buildings and grounds and to be responsible for the daily operations of this Condominium. All routine complaints of a major nature and notices of rule violations shall be made to the Board of Managers in writing. Requests for consent or approval shall be addressed in writing to the Board of Managers (5 copies). 
G. Please obey posted speed limits. 
H. No person shall park a vehicle in, or otherwise obstruct ingress or egress to another unit owner or prevent access to any entrance of the building(s) and the garbage dumpsters. All vehicles parked on the property must be properly registered with the Department of Motor Vehicles, insured, inspected and in working condition. Commercial vehicles are prohibited from overnight parking on the property. Vehicles may not be stored on the property. Vehicles parked in violation of these parking rules may be “booted” or towed off the property at the vehicle owner’s expense. All drivers must proceed with caution when pulling
out of parking spaces and then driving through the parking area. During winter months, vehicles parking in spaces adjacent to the buildings must park HEAD IN. There is a maximum of 2 cars per household. Households with more than 2 vehicles should please find parking elsewhere in the complex.Renters are not permitted to have in excess of two spaces. Residents are responsible for informing their visitors where to park. 
1. Large room will be open during the day if a party is booked, or a Unit Owner or group of Unit Owners wish to use the room and assume responsibility.
2. Large room will be opened evenings if a Unit Owner is present and in charge of the room and all facilities.
3. Sauna will be opened in accordance with posted schedules during the winter months.
4. No wet bathing suits in large room at any time.
5. Any group of Unit Owners using the building must be responsible for cleaning up afterwards.
6. Large room is not available for booking of parties during pool season. CHILDREN:
1. No children under 16 are allowed in the rec hall unless accompanied by a Unit Owner or an appointee of the Board of Managers.
2. No loitering in the hallways is allowed.
3. No one may smoke in the Rec Hall.
4. Children under the supervision of their parents may bring guests into the building. However, the parent will be responsible for the child’s guest.
5. Children must leave the building at 9:30 p.m., except for a scheduled party and under adult supervision.
6. No running, jumping, or otherwise noisy or unruly conduct will be permitted in the building.
No pets allowed in the Rec Building at any time.
I. Hours – 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.
The pool will open for the season Memorial Day weekend of each year, if possible, and will close at the end of Labor Day unless the Board of Managers determines that it shall remain open thereafter, but not later than the third Sunday in September.
Weather permitting, pool hours are as follows:
Memorial Day to the third Saturday in June:
12:00 (noon) – 8:00 pm
Saturday and Sundays only
Last day of Pocantico school to close of season:
12:00 (noon) – 8:00 pm
Weekdays, Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays
Once each month there will be a Saturday early morning swim starting at 10:00 am
Once each month there will be a Saturday late night swim until 10:00 pm
A monitor and two lifeguards are to be present on Saturdays and Sundays.
1. Permanent photo ID passes of Unit Owners will be taken by the Resident Manager and these permanent ID photo passes which will be kept in a photo file on the office computer and used by the pool monitor in allowing access to the pool.
2. Guests: guest(s)MUST be accompanied by Unit Owner. Unit Owner will be held responsible for their guest(s). Resident guests (summer session only) must fill out application in the office. Guest children under age of 5 years do not need guest passes.
3. No private instruction by lifeguard allowed.
4. No food or intoxicants may be brought into or consumed on the pool or on the pool desk. Food may be brought into or consumed on the upper deck only.
5. No pets allowed in the area.
6. No chairs or toys are allowed on the pool deck within five (5) feet of the pool edges.
7. No running, pushing, wrestling, ball playing or causing undue disturbance in or about the pool.
8. No air-inflatables, masks, toys, flippers, or other such paraphernalia shall allowed in the main pool. Children entering the pool with swimming vests or any flotation device must have a parent or guardian with them in the pool at all times.
9. Use of the wading pool shall be limited to pre-school children and those who have currently completed kindergarten.
10. No metal, rigid, or sharp-edged toys shall be allowed in the wading pool.
11. Children using the wading pool must be accompanied be an adult at all times.
12. No diving from the pool deck.
13. Deep water tests are required to be given by lifeguard regardless of any other deep water tests administered by others outside of Westchester Hills Condominiums.
14. Only persons in bathing attire will be permitted on the pool deck.
15. Children under ten (10) years of age will not be permitted in the pool at any time without the active supervision of a parent or responsible adult.
16. The Condominium is not responsible for personal property left at the pool or in the pool area.
17. Smoking is not allowed in the pool area.
All parents are requested to impress upon their children the necessity for proper conduct at the pool.
18. Residents can bring up to 6 guests to the pool per day.
THE LIFEGUARD has supervision over the pool and the responsibility for the enforcement of the regulations and has the authority to have anyone leave the pool at the discretion of the lifeguard.
No sign of any kind shall be displayed to the public view in any unit advertising the property for sale or rent without the prior written consent of the Board of Managers.
No Owner will install or permit to be installed any window-mounted air conditioning unit in his/her unit or any part of the common elements. Through-the-wall air conditioning units may only be installed with prior written consent of the Board of Managers.
Any activity that may cause the discharge of phosphates or other nutrients or chemical pollutants either directly or indirectly into the storm and water drainage system or water bodies is prohibited.
Every unit owner shall be liable for any and all damage to the Common Elements and the property which shall be caused by said unit owner or such other person for whose conduct he is legally responsible.
The Condominium may contract with a snow removal vendor (in addition to our in-house snow removal) to plow/shovel the common elements. Buckets of snow/ice melt are placed around the common elements but are not the property of individual unit owners and should not be removed for personal use elsewhere. Owners/ renters must exercise caution in case of icy conditions. Each Unit Owner is responsible for removing snow from his/her patio or terrace.
No radio or television aerial or satellite dishes shall be attached to or hung from the exterior of the Unit except such as have been approved in writing by the Board of Managers or the managing agent; nor shall anything be projected from any window without similar approval. Unit Owners are permitted to install a satellite dish providing the dish be completely contained within the unit, patio or terrace, that is within their exclusive use or control. Owners interested in installing satellite dish television receivers must contact the board of Managers of the specifications and approval before making any purchases. Satellite dishes cannot be installed on the Condominium roof or walls.
No Unit Owner or any of his/her agents, employees, licensees or visitors shall at any time bring into or keep in his/her unit any flammable, combustible or explosive fluid, material, chemical, or substance, except for normal household use. Firewood may not be stored within proximity of the outside of the building; this includes decks, balconies and landings. The Town of Greenburgh specifically prohibits the use of gas or charcoal barbecue grills. Every unit is required to have at least one UL approved smoke detector.
NO Unit owner shall make or permit any disturbing noises in his/her unit or do or permit anything to be done therein, which will interfere with the rights comforts, or conveniences of other Unit Owners. An exercise equipment in a Unit must be placed on sound proofing material, including carpet and padding. No unit owner shall play or allow to be played any musical instrument or operate or permit to be operated a stereo, radio, television, or other loud speaker or vocal practice in such Owner’s unit between the hours of 10:00 pm and the following 9:00 am; in such a manner or volume as to disturb the peace, quiet and comfort of the neighboring inhabitants or occupants an in no event shall practice or suffer to be practiced either vocal or instrumental music between the hours 10:00 pm and the following 9:00 am. All units having a Unit below it should always be covered with 70% carpet (except baths and kitchen areas) to reduce the transmission of impact sounds.
No Owner shall erect fence or gate in the Condominium without the prior written consent of the Board of Managers.
Every unit owner must promptly perform all maintenance and repair work to his/her own unit which if omitted would affect the Community in its entirely or a part belonging to other unit owners, or the building of which his/her forms a part, he /she being expressly responsible for the damages and liabilities that his/her failure to do so many engender. All the repairs to internal installations of the unit located in and servicing only that unit, including but not limited to telephones, zone valves, sanitary installations and vents, shall be made at the unit owner’s expense. All electrical or plumbing work must be done by a licensed contractor. Every unit owner can hire any licensed contractor of their choosing.
All work must be performed only between the hours of 8:30 am and 5;30 pm Monday to Saturday. All repairs, renovations and alterations must comply with Building Codes of the Town of Greenburgh. Before commencement of work, the unit owner is responsible for obtaining any necessary building permits. Before commencement of any work affecting any common plumbing, electrical, or heating systems a set of plans must be submitted to the Board of Managers for its prior written approval. Before commencement of work, the unit owner must furnish to the Board of Managers and its Managing Agent, a Certificate of Insurance with Westchester Hills Condominiums and the Managing Agent listed as additional insured, for a minimum General Liability coverage of $1,000,000.; a Certificate of Workman’s Compensation Insurance on an occurrence basis covering all employees in execution of the contract including the employees of all subcontractors. Before commencement of work, he unit owner must supply a hold harmless agreement signed by the unit owner and the contractor, to the Board of Managers and the Managing Agent. The hold harmless agreement stipulates that if there should be any claim as the result of the renovations and/or alterations, Westchester Hills Condominiums will be held harmless as to same. The delivery and handling of materials, equipment, and debris must be arranged to avoid any inconvenience and annoyance to there unit owners.
The unit owner is liable for damage caused to the common elements or any other unit or persons as a result of such renovation and/ or repair.
A Unit Owner may not make any alterations to the exterior of the unit or any part of the common elements without the written consent of the Board of Managers. A Unit Owner shall not make structural modifications to the unit or other alterations which would impair the structural soundness of the unit without the written consent of the Board of Managers or its designated managing agent.
Each Unit Owner is responsible for the maintenance, repair, and/or replacement of the Unit’s entrance and storm doors. Replacement doors must best match the overall exterior look established at Westchester Hills Condominium. Each Unit Owner is responsible for the maintenance, repair, and/or replacement of the Unit’s sliding glass doors, windows, and screens. Replacement windows must best match the overall exterior look established at Westchester Hills Condominium.
No Unit Owner shall move, remove, add or otherwise change the landscaping in the common areas without the prior written consent of the Board of Managers. Plantings done with the approval of the Board of Managers become the property of the Condominiums. In no event are Unit owners allowed to grow plants the bear fruit or vegetables in any common areas which includes all paths and terraces as they will attract rodents. Planters are permitted on the balconies. It shall be the responsibility of the resident to maintain the containers in good condition, and the drainage tiles and weep holes in operating condition.
The Board of Managers holds bi-monthly meetings. Any unit Owner who wishes to address the Board is welcomed the first 15 minutes of the first of the month meeting or by request in writing to the Board.
The agents of the Board of Managers or the managing agent, and any contractor or workmen authorized by the Board of managers or the managing agent, may enter any room or Unit in the Buildings at any reasonable hour of the day after notification (except in case of emergency) for the purpose of inspecting such Unit of the presence of any vermin, insects or other pests and the purpose of taking such measures as may be necessary to control or exterminate any such vermin, insects or other pests. Requests for the exterminator should be made by calling the office at 592-9229, leave your name, unit number and a contact phone number so arrangements can be made.
As the Condominium is not responsible for any loss or damages which might occur in individual units, all Unit owners shall be required to carry their own personal homeowner’s insurance policy. All policies must contain coverage for improvements and betterments to the Unit in an amount not less than the replacement cost of said improvements and betterments. The Unit owner is responsible for damages created to other Units resulting from an occurrence in the Unit (whether by negligence or accident). It is strongly recommended that each Unit Owner carry condo insurance with a minimum of $100,000. in liability coverage.
Common charges are due and payable on the first day of each month. Failure to receive a common charge bill does not alleviate the obligation of the unit Owner from their obligation to pay. Payments received after the 15th day of the month will incur a $50.00 late fee. Pool privileges and use of recreation facilities will be revoked for any unit Owner, their family members and their guests for accounts with a balance of over 90 days.
Unit owners violating any of the above Rules and Regulations may be given a “WARNING NOTICE” of violation on the first offense. Repeated offenders of these Rules and Regulations will be given an “NOTICE OF $100.00 FINE” for each subsequent offense, unless otherwise stated differently in a specific rule, which will be added to the billing for common charges. Unit Owners will be issued the warning and/or fined if any of his/ her agents, employees, licensees, tenants or visitors violate any of these Rules and Regulations.
Any bill, statement or notice must be in writing and delivered or mailed to the Tenant at the Unit and to the Landlord and Condominium at the Addresses for Notices. It will be considered delivered on the day mailed or if not mailed, when left at the proper address. Any mailed notice must be sent by regular mail. Landlord must send Tenant written notice if Landlord changes the Address for Notices. Copies of all Notices sent by Landlord or Tenant shall also be delivered to the Condominium in the same manner.
Any consent or approval given under these Rules and Regulations by the Board of Managers shall be revocable at any time. These Rules and Regulations may be added to, amended, or repealed at any time by resolution of the Board of Managers.