Here is a list of answers to commonly asked questions we hope you find helpful.  *Please read the Disclaimer at the bottom of this page.

What is the condominium phone number?  Office phone 914 592-9229

What is the Board of Managers?  Meets bi-monthly and oversees annual elections; determines financial budgets; decision making on major items that affect unit owners.

What is a unit?  A Unit consists of the area enclosed horizontally by the unexposed faces of the dry walls at the exterior walls of the Buildings and the unexposed faces of the dry walls at the Unit side of the dry walls dividing the Units from corridors, stairs, laundry areas, or other Units ; vertically each garden apartment Unit consists of the space between the upper face of the concrete floor and the upper face of the dry wall ceiling ; vertically each town house Unit consists of the space between the upper face of the concrete floor on the ground floor and the upper face of the dry wall ceiling of the second floor.  Doors and windows which open from a Unit shall be deemed part of the Unit.

How do we get Pool IDs and Passes?  Call office and leave your name, unit# and phone # or visit the Pool & Sauna page.

Laundry card?  1.  CVA (Cash value adder) Machine in lobby of rec hall.  2.  You can refill your card online at and clicking on “Add Value to Card”.

Dog Walkers.  Outside areas only – along Old Country Rd; area by fence along Executive Park.  Please dispose in tightly knotted bags into brown garbage bins or special small green dog waste bins along the dog walking areas.  (Not the green recycling bins).

Patio/Terraces?  Patios/Terraces are for patio/terrace furniture; not a storage area for boxes or unsightly objects; please see our By-Laws for further designations.

Common hallways in apartment buildings? Common hallways can not be used as a storage area; fire codes and By-Laws regulate what is allowed.

Garbage.  Brown dumpsters-regular trash; Green dumpsters-clean flattened cardboard and paper; no food; no plastics.  Blue dumpsters-clean plastic and glass; not plastic bags that are not recyclable.

Noise.  Please be respectful of your neighbors; sounds and smells carry far; after midnight take your party inside.

Shut off valves for outside spigots.  Ask Resident Manager for flyer or have a look at the spigot notice.

Shut off valves for inside of units.  Ask Resident Manager for flyer or have a look at the spigot notice.

Hot water tanks?  We have a monitoring system in place to help avoid spikes in pressure but should you notice your tank is leaking, turn off the water and call the Resident Manager immediately for assistance; notify your neighbors also.

Condo insurers?  Gerelli Insurance Agency: 845-265-2220 email:

Property Management Company? Westchester Property Management Group currently handling our bookkeeping aspects and rec hall rentals; 914-686-9500.

State law in effect that covers condo? Regarding school buses when they are within the condo property – stop when red lights are flashing and Stop sign is displayed.

Emergency calls. For any emergency service-need: fire, police or ambulance please give specific location of building.

We have sidewalks in the condo.  Please use them to avoid an accident.

Avoid sewage backup.  Do not throw Wipes of any kind down the toilet; they will clog the waste lines

Storage Room Keys?  Please contact the office.

Parking Stickers?  All residents are required to display parking stickers in their vehicles. Please contact the office to arrange for stickers.  For more details visit the Parking page.

What are the limitations or rules behind renovating my unit?  Basically, major plumbing or electrical, and anything behind the condo walls is considered common space and requires a licensed professional along with condominium approval.  Anything within the unit’s walls is the responsibility of the unit owner.  Please refer to the condominium By-Laws prior to performing any work or alterations. 

How can I get a copy of the Condominium By-Laws?  You can call the condominium office at 914 592-9229 or Contact Us for a copy.  There is an administrative fee of $5.00 per paper copy.  If you provide an email address the By-Laws will be sent to you via email and there is no charge.

Who has access to the Pool pump room?  The Pool company, their employees, board members and our porters are the only ones who have access to the pump room and we are aware of who is going in and out.

Why is there a limit on the number of units being rented at a particular time that is based on a percentage of total units?  If a condominium does not limit rentals it runs the risk of losing the confidence of lending institutions.  Potential buyers and current owners risk losing the ability to secure financing from lending institutions.  A condominium unit may no longer be considered a good investment. 


The Board of Managers offers this information solely for educational or general informational purposes. The information provided is of a general nature and not comprehensive. This information should not be construed as legal advice regarding your particular circumstance. If you require legal advice, please consult an attorney. There are unique risks associated with community living; it’s vital that the “buyer beware” and that prospective buyers fully understand these trade-offs before they buy.